
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Benefits of Simple Style

Having a simple style can genuinely change your life. While there are many ways that you can start living more simply and purposely, beginning with a simple style change can inspire the ease you desire in your life. You spend less time shopping and deciding what to wear. You also see a shift in your overall mental clarity. Simplifying your closet makes changing other areas of your life much easier because you’ll immediately notice the advantages of dressing with less. Here are some benefits a simple style could bring to your life. You’ll Always Have Something To Wear A classic style problem is “I have a closet full of clothes, but I have nothing to wear.” This is from having a closet full of clothes that don’t fit, suit your lifestyle, or you don’t feel good in or love. And at times, it’s just the difficulty of having too much to pick from, making it hard to decide what to wear. The confusion spills over from not just your closet but also to your home and your life. It makes deciding w

The Powerful Benefits of Living a Minimalistic Lifestyle

  Benefits of Living a Minimalistic Lifestyle   Photo by ÉMILE SÉGUIN 🇨🇦 on Unsplash Minimalist living or living simple is nothing new. All over the world, people are becoming aware that less can really be more. While the concept means different things to various people, minimalism essentially involves freeing yourself from “stuff”— or clutter. The focus is intentionally on what really matters, as Marie Kondo famously explains it as the things that “spark joy.” That means eliminating everything that doesn’t make you happy Here are some fantastic potential benefits to living a minimalist lifestyle. You Create Room for What’s Important When you purge your space of all the junk and clutter, you create peace and more room to fill up your life with meaningful assets and experiences. A minimalistic lifestyle frees you from that claustrophobic feeling and allows you to actually breathe again. You Experience More Freedom Collecting random, irrelevant stuff can quickly become overwhelming.