The Benefits of Simple Style

Having a simple style can genuinely change your life. While there are many ways that you can start living more simply and purposely, beginning with a simple style change can inspire the ease you desire in your life. You spend less time shopping and deciding what to wear. You also see a shift in your overall mental clarity.

Simplifying your closet makes changing other areas of your life much easier because you’ll immediately notice the advantages of dressing with less. Here are some benefits a simple style could bring to your life.

  1. You’ll Always Have Something To Wear

A classic style problem is “I have a closet full of clothes, but I have nothing to wear.” This is from having a closet full of clothes that don’t fit, suit your lifestyle, or you don’t feel good in or love. And at times, it’s just the difficulty of having too much to pick from, making it hard to decide what to wear.

The confusion spills over from not just your closet but also to your home and your life. It makes deciding what to wear more difficult and stressful. However, a simple style allows you to see all the options available at a glance. It shows you that a full wardrobe doesn’t always mean a variety of options.

Instead, you own versatile clothes that are easy to mix and match, and you’ll always have something to wear because your entire wardrobe consists of things you love.

  1. A Simplified Wardrobe Just Feels Good

A simplified style filled only with intentional items simply feels good. And in so many different ways.

Dressing up is a fun, freeing, and more effortless experience when you’re only choosing between your favorite clothes and accessories. It feels good to open your closet each day. That’s because you feel more confident in the look and feel of your clothes.

  1. It Helps You Feel More Confident

When you have figured out your personal style and the type of clothes that suit your physique and personality, it’s easier to feel confident in your style and clothes.

As you simplify your wardrobe, you get rid of everything that doesn’t inspire you to look or feel your utmost best and keep only the things that do. The result is that your confidence in your style skyrockets, and your outward appearance change.

  1. Save Time Deciding What To Wear

Picture all the time you have ever wasted flipping through your clothes looking for something you feel like wearing.

Then there’s the time you spend trying them on, taking them items off, and having to rehang or refold everything. Or even worse, you’re left with a pile of tossed options that mess up your closet and bedroom!

Now imagine when you simplify your wardrobe, keeping only the pieces you love and choose to wear often. You have saved time and energy to focus on more enjoyable and productive activities in your life.

  1. Helps You Clarify Your Personal Style

Creating a simple style helps you hone in your style. That’s because you’re weeding out what doesn’t work for you and focusing on the exact items that leave you looking and feeling like a million bucks.

So rather than trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends, you have already zeroed in on the colors, cuts, silhouettes, styles, materials, etc. work best for your personality and lifestyle.

And this clear insight helps you shop more intentionally when you in higher quality pieces. You narrow down what works and doesn’t work for you and can avoid shopping for inconsistent additions or replacements to your wardrobe.

  1. No More Binge Shopping Or Buyer’s Remorse From Items You Won’t Wear

A simple style consists of staples to satisfy any occasion. So whenever you find yourself craving for trendy pieces, you realize that it’s just a part of a buyer’s high. You build the habit of resisting the urge to binge shop or shopping on a whim.

An excellent way to tackle this is by letting the idea sit with you for a day, week, or even a month. If you still desire to get it, then you might consider actually purchasing it. But most times, you’ll discover that it was merely a whim and you’ve forgotten about it altogether.

With a simple style, there are no regrets about missing what only looked good on the rack. Instead, you have what you need and understand that trendy items aren’t worth the impulse.

  1. Saves You Money With More Intentional Shopping

Another great benefit of a simplified style is how much money you get to save. That’s because of stopping impulse buys or spending on sale items that you will rarely or never wear. Your purchase behavior becomes more tailored to suit your wardrobe and lifestyle.

You’ll also see the benefits of having a smaller wardrobe of only the pieces you love. And you’re likely to buy less to keep your wardrobe simplified. Instead of shopping for clothes for fun, to pass the time, or for retail treatment, you’ll shop more intentionally for quality, timeless fashion items. You’ll also be able to easily keep track of what you already own and avoid repeat buys.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a simple style is a big decision. Most times, it causes a complete shift in how you think about your lifestyle and how you make purchasing decisions. You become more aware and undoubtedly more grateful for what you have.

You enjoy less stress and more confidence in your appearance. You decide quickly on what you’ll wear, get dressed, and get on with your day. Not only that, but your closet won’t be bursting at its seams. It is a process that will greatly change you once it is done. You face zero guilt any time you open your closet. Instead, a simplified style is functional for you and makes your life easier.



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