Self-Care is Vital for Your Health and Happiness

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
― audre lorde

Never underestimate the importance of self-care and self-love. It is vital for your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Often we neglect ourselves and focus on taking care of others, especially us women. Caring for everyone else and neglecting your own wellbeing as a women is counter-productive. When you ignore your own needs and focus on everyone and everything else, you drain yourself of the essential energy that is necessary for your health and happiness. 

How can you effectively and efficiently take care of business if you don't take the time to care for yourself? In this post, we are going to talk about the importance of self-care. 

Here are some of the reasons why self-care is important. 

Encourages Self-Improvement 

Self-care encourages self-improvement, not in a forced or urgent way but in a contemplative, genuine and thoughtful way. When you take the time to care for yourself, you give yourself the time to improve, grow and protect your inner peace.

There are lots of ways you can care for yourself as a woman, it can be as simple as wearing your favourite lipstick, or cleansing your face with a nourishing facial cleanser. 

Whatever you decide to do, protecting your inner peace is key. 

Reduces Anxiety and Stress 

Women are known for overworking, non-stop grind and hustle, we push ourselves too hard sometimes. Anxiety and stress often boil up and bubble over. When you start to feel that gradual bubbling of anxiety and stress, you need to take a break. Self-care reduces stress and gives you that overall feeling of wellbeing. 

Wearing your favourite makeup or buying yourself something new might help you to reduce that stress and anxiety. Just take the time to treat yourself because you deserve it,  you have to teach yourself to normalize spoiling yourself and loving yourself. 

Gives You Time to Reflect 

Sit down, relax, reflect and let the troubles of the day melt away like whistles in the wind. You deserve happiness, peace and lots of love. 

Improves the Mood 

How do you feel after a long self-care and self-love pampering session? It instantly lifts your mood and makes you feel better, doesn't it? Stop, for a second when you are feeling tired and low, give yourself a pampering session and get that healthy glow back. 

Boosts Self-Love 

Build your love for yourself by putting time aside for self-love and self-care. Here are some self-care ideas: 

-Give yourself a facial 

-Take a bubble bath 

-Wash your hair 

-Listen to some music 

-Buy something new 

-Do your makeup 


-Go for a walk 

-Watch a movie 

-Listen to some music 

Great for the Mental Health 

Your mental health is crucial and with all the hustle and bustle of life, we often neglect our mental health in favour of hustling, making money, taking care of the kids and other family members. However, you need to remember that self-care should come first above everything. If your mental health is not in check, how do you expect to look after other people or things? 

Take care of yourself and watch yourself blossom and glow. 

One of our favourite places to purchase makeup and skincare products online is SimplyFabilous. They sell non-toxic, cruelty-free makeup and skincare products. Improve your self-care game by seeing what they have to offer. 



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