
Showing posts from October, 2021

Why You Need a Digital Business in 2021 and Beyond

Why You Need a Digital Business in 2022 and Beyond  In a world where a phone can control everything from toys to microwaves, the idea of going digital seems almost antiquated. It might seem like an inevitable future. But many businesses are still lagging, and they'll need to scramble to catch up in 2022 and beyond. How can we be so sure? For one thing, COVID and the events of 2020 ensured this change. With lockdowns and quarantines becoming the norm, customers had no choice but to adapt to digital trends in all aspects of their lives.  Second, research predicted this digital transformation. For example, Tech Pro Research surveyed a group of businesses in 2019. They found out that 70% of companies were already investing resources into digital transformation. These reasons should be enough to consider going digital seriously. But there's more.  In this article, you'll find out what a digital business is, the benefits of going digital, some digital business example

5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant

5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant  You probably began your entrepreneurial journey with dreams of landing big-fish clients, making high-level decisions, and hitting huge targets with your team.  Back then, you probably could not imagine the number of repetitive admin tasks that would beat you into submission; sending and replying to emails, receiving phone calls, organizing your life. These mundane tasks may not be needle-moving in terms of growing your business directly. But you know you can't decide to leave them undone. A personal assistant is one of the most efficient ways to grow your business. However, are they a waste of money? As we discuss the five benefits of hiring a personal assistant, it might help you to take a second to weigh the cost against the benefits.  #1- More Time to Focus On Your Business The most significant benefit to hiring a personal assistant is hands down, the time factor. Earlier, we described the hustle of spending time on admin ta