5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant

5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant 

You probably began your entrepreneurial journey with dreams of landing big-fish clients, making high-level decisions, and hitting huge targets with your team. 

Back then, you probably could not imagine the number of repetitive admin tasks that would beat you into submission; sending and replying to emails, receiving phone calls, organizing your life. These mundane tasks may not be needle-moving in terms of growing your business directly. But you know you can't decide to leave them undone.

A personal assistant is one of the most efficient ways to grow your business. However, are they a waste of money? As we discuss the five benefits of hiring a personal assistant, it might help you to take a second to weigh the cost against the benefits. 

#1- More Time to Focus On Your Business

The most significant benefit to hiring a personal assistant is hands down, the time factor. Earlier, we described the hustle of spending time on admin tasks. This "hustle" is not just about replying to your emails or phone calls. It also includes more time-consuming tasks such as organizing your meetings, keeping track of flight schedules, etc. When you hire a personal assistant, you can eliminate these repetitive tasks. With them tackling these tasks, you have lots more free time to relax; more time to spend on significant functions in your business. 

#2- You Stay On Track

As an entrepreneur, you can sometimes have ten meetings and 20 phone calls from clients and leads across the globe. Suppose you tried to keep track of these events yourself, scheduling them, looking up flight schedules, finding out hotel room numbers, and searching for restaurants. The chances of missing out on an event because you did not note it down would be pretty high. This situation is where a personal assistant pays off big time. Once you know someone else is handling these events, you can keep your head down and offer your best when you show up to meet them. 

#3- You Can Clone Yourself

When you work with a personal assistant for a while, they begin to know and understand you. They know how you dress, think, and act. Your assistant will know the type of coffee you enjoy, how much sugar -- if any -- you want, and a whole slew of information. This arrangement allows you to clone yourself to expand your business. Reports show that, with time, an assistant can even write like you. What would it cost you to have another "YOU" running your business? 

#4- Work Around The Clock

Many businesses these days have clients all over the world. The problem with dealing with clients from across the globe comes when you only have one location. When all your staff is in one place, it's challenging to deal with international clients. The good news is, you can find personal assistants across the globe who work online. So while you're physically unable to serve all your customers, you don't have to. 

#5- A Trusted Set Of Eyes and Ears

A personal assistant gives you another set of eyes. Not only can they give you a second opinion, but they can also help proofread your material, edit and handle fact-checking. This benefit might not seem like a big deal at first glance. However, your clients will let you know. When you start to hear about the increased quality of your work and how much they love you, you'll know your assistant was worth the investment. 

The bottom line is, yes, it can be expensive to hire a personal assistant. However, the benefits far outweigh the cost. 


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