
Showing posts from May, 2021

Pinnacle Virtual Academy Review

  Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash Pinnacle virtual academy review  I recently started taking online courses to develop my skillset. Also, to experiment with learning new things and challenge myself somewhat. I have done a few courses over the past few months. One of them being a social media course and another one about starting a business.  Today I want to talk about Pinnacle Virtual academy. It's an online learning platform that is relatively new but growing fast. The courses are simple and easy to follow and there are a few courses to choose from.  How does it work?  You can either purchase individual courses or you can opt for the membership scheme where you pay monthly and gain access to a certain number of courses per month. I originally started off by purchasing individual courses and I quickly came to the realization that I preferred the membership option.  They have silver, gold and platinum options. Here is the breakdown:  Silver  You get one course per month and it&

Your Side Hustle Could Help You to Retire Quicker

  Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash Do you have a side hustle? Are you contemplating starting one? A side hustle is an extra job, gig or business that provides a supplementary income to your main source of income. When you start a side hustle, the goal is to earn some extra money however, sometimes the side business becomes more profitable than your main source of income.  Side hustles are powerful and if you operate your side business or side job effectively, you might just retire earlier than you expected.  If you want to use your side hustle to retire earlier than the usual 65 years old, then take note of some of the tips in this article.  Live Below Your Means  One of the most powerful pieces of advice for building financial freedom is to keep your spending low. Live below your means, don't live above your means. You should be saving more than you spend. Your side hustle income shouldn't be seen as a source of spending money, you should be putting money aside to invest rather than

Learning New Things Reduces Anxiety and Builds Confidence

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash   Learning is a lifelong, captivating journey that is continuous and fluid. When you learn, your brain produces new brain cells and creates fresh neural pathways to boost memory and reduce the risk of brain deterioration.  According to Harvard Business Review, learning new things reduces stress and builds confidence. Reframing learning as a form of stress relief and vehicle for growth and self-improvement can help to change the way you think about learning as a whole.  There are several benefits of learning new things, here they are.  Build Confidence  Imagine making a conscious decision to learn something new such as a new recipe or rollerskating. You dedicate yourself to assimilating the information each day, studying and implementing the steps to get it right. As time goes on, you get better and better, you eventually tick the box and you can officially say that you passed the test.  How do you feel when you complete your course and achieve somet

How I Started to Earn $3000 Per Month from My Kitchen Table as a Single Stay at Home Mom

How I Make More than $3000 Per Month From My Kitchen Table  I have been working from home for about ten years now, writing content for affiliate marketers, online business owners and small businesses in my local area. I was earning a decent amount of money as a single, work from home mom however, I wanted some extra income to supplement the money I was already earning.  About six months ago, I somehow found some information online that prompted me to start finding new ways to make money online. I attempted to boost my income with affiliate marketing but I didn't have the knowledge to really take it to the next level, so I moved on to some other ventures such as dropshipping and selling products on eBay. I did make some money but I realized that I lacked knowledge and guidance to help me level up my income.  When Covid-19 took over the world, I lost a lot of clients, in fact, eighty percent of my clients just disappeared. Some even refused to pay me for services rendered, it was a s