
The Fundamental Benefits of Relational Therapy

  Image Source: Providence Doucet on Unsplash When most people think of therapy, they think of one-on-one counseling with a professional. However, there is another type of therapy that can be very beneficial for those who are struggling with their mental health – relational therapy. This type of therapy takes place in a group setting and focuses on the relationships between the participants. In this blog post, we will discuss the fundamental benefits of relational therapy! 1) A variety of perspectives. The fundamental benefits of relational therapy are the ability to connect with others, learn from their experiences, and get a new perspective on your own life. In addition to providing support, this type of therapy allows people who are struggling with their mental health issues to feel less alone because they can talk openly about what they’re going through without having to worry about being judged by others. “It’s a safe place where you can be vulnerable and share your thoughts with

Why You Need a Digital Business in 2021 and Beyond

Why You Need a Digital Business in 2022 and Beyond  In a world where a phone can control everything from toys to microwaves, the idea of going digital seems almost antiquated. It might seem like an inevitable future. But many businesses are still lagging, and they'll need to scramble to catch up in 2022 and beyond. How can we be so sure? For one thing, COVID and the events of 2020 ensured this change. With lockdowns and quarantines becoming the norm, customers had no choice but to adapt to digital trends in all aspects of their lives.  Second, research predicted this digital transformation. For example, Tech Pro Research surveyed a group of businesses in 2019. They found out that 70% of companies were already investing resources into digital transformation. These reasons should be enough to consider going digital seriously. But there's more.  In this article, you'll find out what a digital business is, the benefits of going digital, some digital business example

5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant

5 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant  You probably began your entrepreneurial journey with dreams of landing big-fish clients, making high-level decisions, and hitting huge targets with your team.  Back then, you probably could not imagine the number of repetitive admin tasks that would beat you into submission; sending and replying to emails, receiving phone calls, organizing your life. These mundane tasks may not be needle-moving in terms of growing your business directly. But you know you can't decide to leave them undone. A personal assistant is one of the most efficient ways to grow your business. However, are they a waste of money? As we discuss the five benefits of hiring a personal assistant, it might help you to take a second to weigh the cost against the benefits.  #1- More Time to Focus On Your Business The most significant benefit to hiring a personal assistant is hands down, the time factor. Earlier, we described the hustle of spending time on admin ta

How to Build Self-Confidence: Practical Ways to Build Self-Confidence

  Photo by Thomas Mowe on Unsplash Practical ways to build your self-confidence Self-confidence is a vital part of life. Not only can self-confidence help you get through tough times, but it can also help you make the most of every situation in your life. But it's not always easy to develop this sense of inner strength, especially when we are young. Many people struggle with low levels of self-esteem throughout their lives. And some things can hinder our ability to feel good about ourselves. This article will discuss practical ways to improve your self-confidence so that you can live an empowered life!    #1- Be kind to yourself It may seem like common sense but being nice to yourself goes a long way towards boosting your self-confidence. When you treat yourself well, you start to believe that you deserve better treatment too. You begin to see yourself as more than just someone who needs to be fixed or improved. Instead, you become aware of all your positive qualities – even if th

7 Reasons Why You Need to Delegate as a Business Owner

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash The best business owners know that they can only do so much on their own. They're continuously looking for ways to delegate tasks to focus on what matters - growing the company.  There are many benefits of delegating your workload, but here are the top 7 reasons you need to start doing it now:   #1- It will save you time The concept of delegation assumes that you take some tasks off your plate and hand them over to someone else. The idea alone assumes that time is involved. Delegation allows you to spend more time focusing on other aspects of running your business. You'll have less stress because there's no longer any pressure to complete all the work yourself. This frees up valuable time in which you can concentrate on marketing or developing new products.    #2- It will save you money You may think that hiring someone else would cost extra money, and that may be true. However, the delegation could help you make more profit than if you w

5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Mom Blog

  Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash If you're a mom, then you know it's not easy. You have to take care of your children while trying to do everything you used to love before they were born. It takes some time and patience, but life starts getting more manageable once you get into the groove of things. Starting a mom blog is an exciting idea. It's a way to connect with other moms, share your experiences, and maybe even make a few bucks along the way. But starting a mom blog isn't always easy. There are a lot of reasons why you might want to reconsider starting a mom blog. Here are five reasons why you should consider starting a mom blog instead.   You can earn money from home. Starting a mom blog allows you to work at home without worrying about commuting costs or office politics. Instead of spending hours on end sitting behind a desk, you can spend those same hours working online as part of your team. This means that you don't have to leave your house every day

Vegan Beauty Brand Feature: Unforgivingly Pur

  Unforgivingly Pur Deodorant    Independent beauty, often called “indie beauty”, has been growing silently over the past decade. Like clean beauty, indie beauty is known for its diverse product range and inclusivity for side-lined communities. Their entry into the mainstream has been primarily driven by the fact that Indie beauty brands are innovative and are aligned with the ever-growing natural, sustainable and clean beauty segment. In addition, a majority of the products are organic with simple formulations and sourced locally and sustainably. Equal importance is given to the packaging, often biodegradable, recyclable with a low carbon footprint. Trailblazing, unapologetic women often head these companies, and one of such is Unforgivingly Pur. Unforgivingly Pur is a Canada-based beauty and wellness brand that produces clean, toxin-free beauty products to uplift, nurture and protect the body.   Mood boosters Sisters Cola and Rochelle started Unforgivingly Pur in 2014 after the passi